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 Post subject: Must not generate a source for component
PostPosted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 12:26 pm 

Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 3:11 am
Posts: 4

We generating our source java files with <hbm2java/> from a set of source hbm files.

I want to use component feature of the mapping file and have a problems with the folloing mapping file:
<hibernate-mapping package="ru.invito.model">
    <class name="BookingOrder" table="booking_order">
      <meta attribute="implements" inherit="false">ru.invito.model.BusinessObject</meta>
      <id name="code" column="CODE" type="java.lang.Long">
        <meta attribute="use-in-equals">true</meta>
        <generator class="sequence">
          <param name="sequence">booking_order_seq</param>
       .. some properties and many-to-one relations..
      <component name="transferService" class="ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices">
        <property name="flagValue" column="TRANSFER_FLAG" />
        <property name="price" column="TRANSFER_PRICE" />
        <property name="providerId" column="TRANSFER_FLAG_PROVIDER_ID" />

When the compiled class ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices not present on the classpath i receive a:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices

But, when a compile it before running <hbm2java/> task, the tool successfully finishes it's work (with warning: Component ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices found more than once! Will only generate the last found.) AND my source java file FlaggedBookingServices is overwritten with hbm2java exporter.

Is this a feature? How to instruct the tool not to (re)generate a component file, but use existing as a reference in generated entity?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 7:09 am 

Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 3:11 am
Posts: 4
Has anybody ever faced such problem?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:44 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

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Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland (Danish)
you did not specify any types for the properties hence we can't resolve them without looking at the component.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:27 am 

Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 3:11 am
Posts: 4
I want to create java source file for the component (say AddressComponent.java) by hand (e.g. don't want getting generated by hbm2java tool). Then in the SomeEntity.hbm.xml i want
to reference it as SomeEntity's child component.

The SomeEntity.java would be generated by hbm2java and compoiled AddressComponent will be on the classpath for hbm2java tool.

How to achive this?

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 7:32 am 

Joined: Mon May 14, 2007 3:11 am
Posts: 4
max wrote:
you did not specify any types for the properties hence we can't resolve them without looking at the component.

But the compiled ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices is avail in the classpath for the hbm2java tool.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:25 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

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Posts: 8615
Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland (Danish)
exgorth wrote:
max wrote:
you did not specify any types for the properties hence we can't resolve them without looking at the component.

But the compiled ru.invito.model.support.FlaggedBookingServices is avail in the classpath for the hbm2java tool.

Well, apparently it isn't ;)

How do you put it in the classpath?

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 3:26 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2003 6:10 am
Posts: 8615
Location: Neuchatel, Switzerland (Danish)
exgorth wrote:
I want to create java source file for the component (say AddressComponent.java) by hand (e.g. don't want getting generated by hbm2java tool). Then in the SomeEntity.hbm.xml i want
to reference it as SomeEntity's child component.

The SomeEntity.java would be generated by hbm2java and compoiled AddressComponent will be on the classpath for hbm2java tool.

How to achive this?

we don't have a "don't generate this class" option (maybe we should)

One way you can do it though is by using foreach="entity" which will only generate code for entities and not components.

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