That subject line makes almost no sense... Sorry. Anyway; we've been generating our persistence layer from within eclipse using the hibernate-tools, but we're moving it out to an ant task so we can control the environment a little better.
We have a USR table that is mapped like this to get the object to be 'User'.
<table name="USR" class="">
This works great, however...
When we generate in eclipse, we get methods like this:
User getUsrByUsrId()
Outside of eclipse we get this:
User getUserByUsrId()
Note that the second one is using the class we've defined (getUser) in the method name, and the first isn't (getUsr). I like the second one better actually, but all of our code was written using the first style.
So, my question is why might they be different? I tried to use exactly the same jars (and versions) the eclipse reverse engineering uses, but I may have missed something. Or, is there a setting I'm missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.