That should read - DESCSTAT not DECSTAT
This is an FYI - no help required.
When using Hibernate Tools with DB2 on z/OS (Mainframe), be aware that you need to set DESCSTAT=YES and rebind the packages in order for getMetaData().getColumns etc to work. NB. setting this will slightly increase your package size on DB2.
The reason for this is that within the Hibernate Tools class, org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect.JDBCMetaDataDialect, calls are made with the column name, e.g. rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"). DB2 will not provide the column names without the DESCSTAT setting. i.e. positioning works e.g. rs.getString(3). DB2 calls a packages SYSIBM.SQLTABLES, SYSIBM.SQLCOLUMNS etc.