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 Post subject: Hibernate Code Generation - Controlling AccessType??
PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2007 8:39 pm 

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:05 pm
Posts: 5

I posted a similar message on the general forum a few days ago, but perhaps this is the better place... I have also since found that it relates to the AccessType being Property or Field... so a re-wording of my original post taking this into consideration is below...

Just wondering if it is (relatively easily) possible to change the layout of the generated POJO code in terms of AccessType being Field rather than Property.

I have figured out how to use TableNameStrategy to put my generated classes into the right packages with a bit of renaming on the way, so that is all good (and very handy I might add!). Can you change the AccessType in a similar way?

Is the AccessType mainly a matter of style? Is there any reason to use Property over Field.

Some of the other tools I have seen, and many examples seem to use the Field AccessType rather than Property, even though Property seems to be the default. In terms of style, I think I prefer to have it on the field, unless their is a good reason not to.

I have also found that the location of the &Id annotation determines the AccessType if it is not directly specified... Is there any advantage in explicitly setting it?

Thanks for any advice


 Post subject: Re: Hibernate Code Generation - Controlling AccessType??
PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2007 4:37 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

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cfraser wrote:
Just wondering if it is (relatively easily) possible to change the layout of the generated POJO code in terms of AccessType being Field rather than Property.

Not currently build in; but I guess it would be trivial to add logic in the templates to check the access type to control where the annotations goes.

I have figured out how to use TableNameStrategy to put my generated classes into the right packages with a bit of renaming on the way, so that is all good (and very handy I might add!). Can you change the AccessType in a similar way?

not currently; but definitly doable - wanna contribute it ? :)

Is the AccessType mainly a matter of style? Is there any reason to use Property over Field.

Use property if you want to be able to easily put a breakpoint to see what hibernate actually assigns/gets to/from your pojos.

Use field if you don't have any reason to have get/set properties for your fields or if the getter/setters might contain logic that conflicts with the semantics of hibernate/jpa.

I have also found that the location of the &Id annotation determines the AccessType if it is not directly specified... Is there any advantage in explicitly setting it?

No, besides it being explicit.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:01 am 

Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:11 pm
Posts: 5
Here is a dirty hack

In your hibernate-tools.jar found in



PojoFields.ftl to

<#-- // Fields -->

<#foreach property in pojo.getAllPropertiesIterator()><#if pojo.getMetaAttribAsBool(property, "gen-property", true)> <#if pojo.hasMetaAttribute(property, "field-description")>    /**
     ${pojo.getFieldJavaDoc(property, 0)}
  <#include "GetPropertyAnnotation.ftl"/>
${pojo.getFieldModifiers(property)} ${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${property.name}<#if pojo.hasFieldInitializor(property, jdk5)> = ${pojo.getFieldInitialization(property, jdk5)}</#if>;

and PojoPropertyAccessors.ftl to

<#-- // Property accessors -->
<#foreach property in pojo.getAllPropertiesIterator()>
<#if pojo.getMetaAttribAsBool(property, "gen-property", true)>
<#if pojo.hasFieldJavaDoc(property)>   
     * ${pojo.getFieldJavaDoc(property, 4)}
    ${pojo.getPropertyGetModifiers(property)} ${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${pojo.getGetterSignature(property)}() {
        return this.${property.name};
    ${pojo.getPropertySetModifiers(property)} void set${pojo.getPropertyName(property)}(${pojo.getJavaTypeName(property, jdk5)} ${property.name}) {
        this.${property.name} = ${property.name};

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:20 am 

Joined: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:05 pm
Posts: 5
Well, it has been a while... but getting back to it, this looks like it will do what I am after and get me well and truly on my way!

Thank you!

I also found I could extract the files to a Pojo sub dir and set the 'Use Templates' setting rather than substituting the files back into the jar file.

Does anyone have any thoughts on whether the annotations should be on the public rather than the private fields???

Thanks again

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