I am using the Oracle9Dialect and 3.2.0.beta9a of Hibernate Tools. I am using JPA/EJB3 and Seam.
My build will create the DDL (using hbm2ddl) for my Entity beans. I use this DDL to create the tables and constraints in Oracle (Express).
Then, if I use seam-gen generate-entities to reverse engineer a CRUD app from the database tables, I notice that my camel case isn't the same.
For example, it would seem that:
(Original Java) -> (Oracle) -> (reverse engineered Java)
replacementDate -> REPLACEMENTDATE -> replacementdate
I would think that this translation would be bidirectional, such that:
assert java_column == db2java(java2db(java_column)))
I am thinking that if the Java field name to database column name replaced a camel case transition with an underscore, then the bidirectional property would be maintained.
Is there a flag/option to get what I would expect?
Alternatively, is there a way to activate a "Preserve Case" mode where every table and column name is quoted?