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 Post subject: Generate custom subclasses
PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 6:48 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 15, 2006 2:09 am
Posts: 11

Is it somehow possible to achieve the following?

- Generate my domain objects from .hbm files (that works so far).
- Generate an empty custom subclass that can be enhanced by additional methods/fields that won't be persisted.

Currently I've mapped my domain objects like domain.Person in the hbm files.

To achieve the 2nd step I would have to map it like domain.BasePerson and let an empty subclass be generated as domain.Person.

I also thought about using the meta tag "class-code" to add additional methods to the class. But that feels "strange" to me writing java code in hbm files :).

So, what's the best practice to achieve the custom-subclass approach?

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