the problem of this post is similar to
http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=967519, but I guess I have found the reason of the problem (though no solution yet ...)
Hibernate-Tools version:
The problem is that invoking hbmtemlate with the daohome.ftl from hibernate-tools causes an error when using a composite-id. It seems like hbmtemplate tries to create DAO classes for the composite-id classes, but fails on the undefined clazz.hasNaturalId() and clazz.entityName. (I found out the latter when removing the code for generating the findByNaturalId method from the daohome.ftl).
Is there a way to get hbmtemplate work in such a setting? I don't really know how Freemarker works and how the clazz.hasNaturalId() and clazz.entityName are affected by a mapping document, so unfortunately I'm completely helpless at this point. I've posted the error, a sample hibernate mapping document and my Ant task below. hbm2java works, but the hbmtemplate task fails.
Best Regards,
Here's the error:
[hibernatetool] org.hibernate.tool.hbm2x.ExporterException: Error while processing template dao/daohome.ftl
[hibernatetool] freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression clazz.hasNaturalId is undefined on line 161, column 6 in dao/daohome.ftl.
And here's an example hibernate mapping file that should cause the error with clazz.hasNaturalId(). It simply contains a composite-id with 2 key properties.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
<!-- Generated 28.11.2006 15:30:24 by Hibernate Tools 3.2.0.beta8 -->
<class name="eg.hibernate.CacertT" table="CACERT_T" lazy="false">
<composite-id name="Id" class="eg.hibernate.CacertTPK">
<key-property name="CacertIssuerId" type="java.lang.Long">
<column name="CACERT_ISSUER_ID" />
<key-property name="CacertSerialNumber" type="java.lang.Long">
<column name="CACERT_SERIAL_NUMBER" />
for hbmtemplate I've placed all relevant folders from the hibernate-tools.jar in a hiberatetemplates folder. My Ant task looks like this:
<hibernatetool destdir="${project.source.directory}" templatepath="${basedir}/${etc.dir}/hibernatetemplates/">
<path refid="project.run.classpath" />
<path location="${project.source.directory}" />
<configuration configurationfile="${etc.dir}/hibernate.cfg.xml" />
<hbm2java jdk5="true" />
<hbmtemplate templatepath="${basedir}/${etc.dir}/hibernatetemplates/" template="dao/daohome.ftl">
<property key="jdk5" value="true" />
<property key="ejb3" value="false" />