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 Post subject: Eclipse editor plug-in
PostPosted: Fri Jul 14, 2006 11:06 am 

Joined: Fri Jul 14, 2006 10:52 am
Posts: 16
I am using eclipse 3.2 and see parts of the hibernate toolset I d/l and installed (i.e. I create an hibernate console/config file etc).
Right now I am only interested in an editor that links and synch's up the hbm.xml file with the Pojo (i.e. changing the name in one would change the name in the other, autocomplete support in the xml file etc).
How do I get that to work.

And why is the site this incredible slow; I keep getting timeouts trying to go back to the tool site or wiki trying to find a faq / info that would answer my question.

 Post subject: Re: Eclipse editor plug-in
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:01 am 
Hibernate Team
Hibernate Team

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batter wrote:
Right now I am only interested in an editor that links and synch's up the hbm.xml file with the Pojo (i.e. changing the name in one would change the name in the other, autocomplete support in the xml file etc).
How do I get that to work.

We have autocompletion but we don't have refactoring support (contribution welcome)

How you make it work ? Just open a hbm.xml file (witht the default WTP xml editor) and it should work.

And why is the site this incredible slow; I keep getting timeouts trying to go back to the tool site or wiki trying to find a faq / info that would answer my question.

we had some bandwith issues the last two days...don't know why. Site seems fine now.

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