the ant thing is an *ant* thing...tell me how you would make it work ;)
... oh, you're right :), btw is Maven better in this?
It seems that something was fixed recently in Ant if I'm not wrong:
http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=38799* <junit> can now work with junit.jar in its <classpath>. Bugzilla Report 38799.
However it still not released yet, so for now build.bat or .ant will work fine for me.
About jdcb-type - probably it should be something like:
<sql-type jdbc-type="OTHER" jdbc-type-name="TIMESTAMP(3)" hibernate-type="Timestamp" />
Since they are a bit different, for one jdbc-type you can get several jdbc-type-names.
jdbc-type - DATA_TYPE
jdbc-type-name - TYPE_NAME
Or even better:
<sql-type jdbc-type-name="TIMESTAMP(3)" hibernate-type="Timestamp" />
One more small question, is it possible to tell hibernate-tools to skip schema="<SCHEMA>" in the generated .hbm.xml files? I'm trying to convert data from the DB (Oracle) which supports schemas to some embedded DB (Firebird) which doesn't.
Or even better would be to make SchemaUpdate detect that there are no SCHEMA support. I guess there should be more code in FirebirdDialect.java.