I have to agree I have the same problem. I am using Beta 10 of the latest Tools.
When I look in the Edit launch configuration properties dialog and I go to the classpath directory, I can see that it automatically added my default classpath from the project. This project already has the sqljdbc.jar in its class path.
I tried removing this default class path and adding the sqljdbc.jar manually, and I still have the same problem.
When I look at the source file for the config it doesn't show anything about the classpath, even if I manually added on.
I too am new to hibernate and I am trying to learn how to use it. I do not see anyway to attach an image to a post, or I would do that. There is only an IMG tag which requires me to be able to place an image on a public server someplace, which I do not have available to me.
However I can describe the dialog here:
Main Tab
Type: Core
Project: HibernateTest
Property file: <empy>
Configuration file: \HibernateTest\hibernate.cfg.xml
Presistence unit: <greyed out and empy>
Options Tab
Naming strategy: <empty>
Entity resolver: <empty>
Classpath Tab
User Entries
\--HibernateTest (default classpath)
\--sqljdbc.ar - C:\workspaces\
\--Hibernate 3
Mappings Tab
Common Tab
Save As: Local file
Display in favorites menu: <nothing checked>
Console Encoding: Default (Cp1252)
Standard Input and Output: Allocate Console
Launch in background is checked
Please Help,