Looking at svn:
In the trunk I can find Hibernate3 and HibernateExt which is fine... but the question is: where are the Eclipse projects since they are not in the trunk?
There are two posibilities: branches and tags.
If I go to branches I find:
http://anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com/bra ... TA4_branch
while if I go to tags:
http://anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com/tag ... bernateExt
the dir structure and the revision numbers are different...
which one is the one to check out?
The next problem is that the build.bat has to be changed to run against hibernate-3.2 and not hibernate-3.1.
The problem after that is that the ant update cannot find a couple of jars in the lib from ..\HibernateExt\tools\target\hibernate-tools\lib [only freemaker and jtidy are present there]
The problem after that are problem with org.hibernate.eclipse project not having all the necesery libs and having a dependency to the org.hibernate.eclipse.console jar.
The org.hibernate.eclipse.console project doesn't compile due to way too many restrictions to internal Eclipse API's [this can be turned off...]
Anyway... maybe the solution is just correctly checking out from svn.