I am using Hiberate 2.1.8 and criteria api to write a search screen.
I think Criteria API is good in this scenario by avoiding a lot of dynamic hql concatenation. But now I tried to do something like:
Object A contains Object B (you can get B by A.B)
A has an attribute name
B has an attribute title
A and B are associated with A.id = B.id
One of the search criteria is
A.name = 'input search string'
or A.B.title = 'input search string'
I cannot find a way to use criteria query(conjunction or disjunction) since A and B are not in the same level. I saw several postings on similar subject before but haven't see a clear answer for Hibernate 2. My question is this at all possible in Hibernate 2? If so, how?
Thank you in advance!