I have WinXP, Eclipse 3.1.1, WTP 0.7.1
Hibernate version: 3.0.5
Name and version of the database you are using: MySQL 5
I have 1 question, 1 suggestion:
1) I'm not a Velocity expert, but I did clone the .vm's and customized them slightly. One thing I can't figure out is how to make the DAO file name be xxxxxDAO.java instead of xxxxxHome.java. I changed the VM to have the class named that, but can't see how to have the file named that.
2) I have the following rev eng file for a new table:
<table-filter match-catalog="cpdb" match-name="employeepermission" />
<table catalog="" name="EmployeePermission">
<column name="employeeId"/>
<column name="permissionCode" jdbc-type='' />
<column name="creationDate" jdbc-type='' />
<column name="createdBy" jdbc-type='' />
<column name="permissionId" jdbc-type='' />
I would really like for the rev eng process to name the artifacts EmployeePermission.hbm.xml/.java and EmployeePermission.DAO.java not Employeepermission.hbm.xml/.java & Employeepermission.DAO.java. The value should come from the
name attribute in <table catalog="" name="EmployeePermission">
Do I need to create a new JIRA entry for a feature request or do you know if one already exists (sorry, haven't gone and dug around)?
Thanks! Like a lot of others have mentioned, the tools have saved a BUNCH of time even though they're still being refined.