Hi Max,
can you be a bit more concrete on this, please? I've seen also other posts one does not need clover.jar, but I am getting a FATAL ERROR (not just a warning) when trying to generate the DDL:
[hibernatetool] [CLOVER] FATAL ERROR: Clover could not be initialised. Are you sure you have Clover in the runtime classpath? (class java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:com_cenqua_clover/CloverVersionInfo)
I am using hibernate 3.1 rc 2 & Hibernate tools 3.1 beta 1, no annotations(for now :).
I guess something completely stupdi, but that's how it is beeing a newbie :). Here's my task
<target name="genDDL">
<hibernatetool destdir="${src}/test">
<fileset dir="${src}" id = "id">
<include name="**/*.hbm.xml"/>
<hbm2ddl drop="false" outputfilename="${src}/test/ngDDL.sql"/>
Thanks in advance,