I'm trying to build the latest version of HibTools to circumvent the eclipse dependency problem.
(3.2beta6 dependency on:
Plug-in "org.eclipse.wst.validation.ui" version "1.0.0.v200605301759" referenced by this feature is missing.
Plug-in "org.eclipse.wst.common.frameworks.ui" version "1.0.100.v200605261351" referenced by this feature is missing)
The problem is ... it doesn't build!
i am just trying 'build jar copylib' under windows, it says:
D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com>build.bat jar copylib
D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com>set HIBERNATECORE=D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com\..\hibernate-3.2
D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com>java -cp "D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com\..\hibernate-3.2\lib\ant-launcher-1.6.5.jar" org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher -lib D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com\..\hibernate-3.2/lib jar copylib
Buildfile: build.xml
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource clovertasks. It could not be found.
[echo] Build Hibernate Extensions-3.0 (2006-08-24 10:37:31)
D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com\common\common-build.xml:172: D:\Java\anonhibernate.labs.jboss.com\src\java not found.
Total time: 1 second
Of course there's no src directory in the root dir. I don;t know what the mistake is, I have located it in the common-build.xml but don't want to change it. I have no idea of what it should compile first.