Hi Max, thanks a lot for verifying. It was just I did not want to believe that the DDL was set up differently than what I and middlegen guessed :-) Additionally 10g is pretty new to our company and so I was a beta tester somehow.
Well the issue was that, as I understood the schema was sketched in MS Access, well not the best tool I guess, and feeded somehow to Oracle 10g (me no DBA). During that migration Oracle somehow did, or most possibly could not define the PK. Middlegen was not able to do that as well ... all against me .-)
The DBA was so nice and ran my test-environment and figured it out.
Just to tell you the end of the story, I got my hbm's and ran hbm2java, failed. I tried HibernateTools, Hiberclipse and something else, they could not generate the sources (hibernate3 lib'ed). So I went back to hibernate2 to generate the sources and now I am happy, running on on hibernate 3 :-)
Till then