Hibernate version: 2.1.7
Hi, I would like to have a simple answer to a simple question: is it possible to generate the database ddl with SchemaExportTask without actually connect to the database? In my development environment, a firewall prevents me to access the database directly, I have to generate the DDL and give it to our database manager. I don't really see why a connection should be required for such a task.
Thank you very much,
PS: I got another problem with the SchemaExportTask, from the hibernate 2.x manual paragraph 15.1.4. "Using Ant", it is said:
If you don't specify properties or a config file, the SchemaExportTask will try to use normal Ant project properties instead. In other words, if you don't want or need an external configuration or properties file, you may put hibernate.* configuration properties in your build.xml or build.properties.
It doesn't work for me, having such the following line in my ant build.xml before calling the SchemaExportTask results in a error like "Schema text failed: The dialect was not set. Set the property hibernate.dialect."
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect"/>
<schemaexport quiet="no" text="yes" drop="no" delimiter=";"/>