I am using Hibernate3 Tools plugin for Eclipse. The problem is that so far
I haven't been able to make XML editor in Eclipse to do semantic
auto-completion for class names and property/field names
(the tag completion is working fine, though), so I came here for help.
I followed the setup instruction found in
Basically, I downloaded Eclipse and JBoss-IDE with the versions indicated,
and also the Hibernate3 Tools.
I unzipped them as instructed and start running Eclipse. Then, after creating
a Java project, I created one Java class (e.g., User.java) in some
arbitrary package. Some private vars and their setters/getters were
also created at this point.
Then, is there any particular way of creating User.hbm.xml in Eclipse?
I couldn't find any choice for a "Hibernate Mapping File" in New wizard.
(in the Hibernate folder of the wizard, I saw only
"Console Configuration", "Hibernate Artifact Generation" and
"Hibernate Configuration File")
So I did it the "normal" way, which is creating a simple "File"
with the name User.hbm.xml.
Then, I started typing the XML preamble as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
So far, in this step, the XML editor is able to complete the tags for me,
but it still doesn't do semantic completion. Basically,
it shows me what tag I can use and what property can be specified for the tag.
But it doesn't do any completion when I tried to type package name,
class name, or field name.
Is there any step I was missing? I just started using Eclipse yesterday,
so I might have done something really stupid. But since everything
looks ok, I don't know what went wrong.