As it currentlys stands, the FilterRenderer won't work (in hib3.0rc1) because the org.hibernate.Session.find() method doesn't exist as expected. Are there plans to update it to use the Session.createQuery() method?
Directly relating to this, I was wondering if it is (or will be) possible to specify an '
end-session-method' meta attribute, similiar to the 'session-method' attribute which already exists.
The reason for this would be to correctly close / end the session.
Eg. The following would be defined in an entity.hbm.xml file:
<meta attribute="session-method">
com.....SessMgr.startDBSession();a d
<meta attribute="end-session-method">
If there are no plans for this, how could I go about writing my own Renderer - is there a document relating to this?
Many Regards,
Robert Pocklington