I am also having a similar issue:
Hibernate 2.1.6
PostgreSQL 7.4.3
pg74.215.jdbc3.jar (I had problems with the 7.3 driver on a 7.4 db.. )
proxool .8.3
Here's what I did:
1) Create Cat and Item mapping files.
2) Run SchemaExport, run resulting sql file in PgAdmin. No errors.
3) Create Person mapping file.
4) Run schema update.
Here's what I think is wrong:
1) There should be no SQL statements relating to Cat or Item, as they already exist in the DB and there was no modification to the mapping files.
2) The correct create table statement is issued for the Person table, but does not get executed by Postgres (no table is actually created.) The SQL is syntatically correct though.
I'm thinking this is most likely a JDBC problem with Postgres, but am not sure- anyone have any suggestions? For now I'm planning to use SchemaExport but not schema update.... SchemaUpdate would be extremely useful to me if I could get it to work. As a side note- it would also be nice if you could set a parameter to have SchemaUpdate export SQL just like SchemaExport does. (sometimes you don't want to auto-magically make updates to your DB ;)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's the output from my schema update ant task:
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,445 INFO Environment:469 - Hibernate 2.1.6
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,445 INFO Environment:498 - hibernate.properties not found
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,461 INFO Environment:529 - using CGLIB reflection optimizer
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,461 INFO Configuration:929 - configuring from file: hibernate.cfg.xml
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,570 INFO Configuration:331 - Mapping resource: Cat.hbm
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,679 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: test.Cat -> cat
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,758 INFO Configuration:331 - Mapping resource: Item.hbm
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,804 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: test.Item -> item
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,804 INFO Configuration:331 - Mapping resource: Person.hbm
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,836 INFO Binder:229 - Mapping class: test.Person -> person
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,836 INFO Configuration:1053 - Configured SessionFactory: null
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,867 INFO Dialect:82 - Using dialect: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,867 INFO ProxoolConnectionProvider:112 - Configuring Proxool Provider using JAXPConfigurator: proxool.cfg.xml
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,898 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:105 - Configuring from reader: java.io.InputStreamReader@1a06e38
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,898 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:72 - SAXParserFactory class: org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,898 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:77 - sax parser classorg.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,898 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:81 - XML reader class: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:114 - Setting sax feature: 'http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces'. State: true.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG JAXPConfigurator:114 - Setting sax feature: 'http://xml.org/sax/features/namespace-prefixes'. State: false.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG XMLConfigurator:241 - Adding driver property: user=bjordan
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG XMLConfigurator:239 - Adding driver property: password=*******
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG XMLConfigurator:224 - Setting property 'proxool.maximum-connection-count' to value '10'.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG XMLConfigurator:224 - Setting property 'proxool.house-keeping-test-sql' to value 'select CURRENT_DATE'.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,914 DEBUG XMLConfigurator:191 - Created url: proxool.hibertest:org.postgresql.Driver:jdbc:postgresql://ecom:5432/hibernate
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,929 INFO ProxoolFacade:77 - Proxool 0.8.3 (14-Dec-2003 16:06)
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,961 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Recognised proxool property: proxool.driver=org.postgresql.Driver
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,976 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Recognised proxool property: proxool.url=jdbc:postgresql://ecom:5432/hibernate
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,976 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Delegating property to driver: user=bjordan
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,976 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Delegating property to driver: password=********
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,976 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Recognised proxool property: proxool.maximum-connection-count=10
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:01,976 DEBUG hibertest:249 - Recognised proxool property: proxool.house-keeping-test-sql=select CURRENT_DATE
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,008 DEBUG ShutdownHook:79 - Registered shutdownHook
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,023 DEBUG HouseKeeperController:81 - Registering 'hibertest' house keeper
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,023 DEBUG HouseKeeperController:89 - Starting a house keeper thread
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,023 INFO ProxoolConnectionProvider:132 - Configuring Proxool Provider to use pool alias: proxool.hibertest
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,023 INFO SchemaUpdate:102 - Running hbm2ddl schema update
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,023 INFO SchemaUpdate:110 - fetching database metadata
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,133 DEBUG hibertest:162 - Remembering default value: isReadOnly() = false
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,164 DEBUG hibertest:166 - org.postgresql.Driver does not support getHoldability. Proxool doesn't mind.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,164 DEBUG hibertest:177 - org.postgresql.Driver does not support setHoldability. Proxool doesn't mind.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,164 DEBUG hibertest:162 - Remembering default value: getTransactionIsolation() = 2
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,164 DEBUG hibertest:162 - Remembering default value: getTypeMap() = null
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,164 DEBUG hibertest:162 - Remembering default value: getCatalog() = hibernate
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,336 INFO hibertest:613 - Proxool statistics legend: "s - r (a/t/o)" > s=served, r=refused (only shown if non-zero), a=active, t=total, o=offline (being tested)
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,336 DEBUG hibertest:181 - 000000 (01/01/00) - Connection #1 created on demand = ACTIVE
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,523 INFO SchemaUpdate:124 - updating schema
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,523 INFO Configuration:627 - processing one-to-many association mappings
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,523 INFO Configuration:636 - processing one-to-one association property references
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,539 INFO Configuration:661 - processing foreign key constraints
[SchemaUpdate] create table item (id int8 not null, description varchar(255), name varchar(255), primary key (id))
[SchemaUpdate] create table cat (id int8 not null, sex varchar(1), name varchar(16), weight float4, age int4 not null, primary key (id))
[SchemaUpdate] create table person (id int8 not null, username varchar(255) not null, fname varchar(255) not null, lname varchar(255) not null, email varchar(255), primary key (id))
[SchemaUpdate] create sequence cat_id_seq
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,601 INFO SchemaUpdate:143 - schema update complete
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,601 INFO hibertest:474 - Shutting down 'hibertest' pool immediately [main]
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,601 DEBUG hibertest:431 - 000001 (00/00/00) - #0001 removed because of shutdown.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,617 DEBUG hibertest:543 - Connection #1 closed
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,617 INFO hibertest:560 - 'hibertest' pool has been closed down by main in 16 milliseconds.
[SchemaUpdate] 10:15:02,617 DEBUG ShutdownHook:42 - Removed shutdownHook
Total time: 2 seconds