yes! anything else is reaaaly bad style ;)
Agreed! Now that it is possible, any clues on how to do it? My situation may be a little different:
I Generate my classes in a "base" directory:
<generate package="com.xxx.db.base" renderer="net.sf.hibernate.tool.hbm2java.BasicRenderer" />
And I have my own personal classes in com.xxx.db, which extends its corresponding class in com.xxx.db.base. So the class/hbm has the following:
Java Class:Code:
package com.xxx.db;
public class ObjectA extends com.xxx.db.base.ObjectA
<class name="com.xxx.db.ObjectA" table="table_a">
My problem, is when I use the BasicRenderer, it OVERWRITES my com.xxx.db.* files if i don't declare a suffix. And of course, if I declare a suffix, I don't get the finders in the files that the Basic Finder generates.
Any ideas?
I am using :
http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/reference/en/html/toolsetguide.html#toolsetguide-s2-3 as a reference.
In my config file for hbm2java, if I don't add a "suffix"