Today I had downloaded ur CodeBlast Software which says that it can
generate java classes, database schema using XMI as input model. As per
given in ur User Documentation > User's Modeling Manual in ur site, I
tried creating a CodeBlast Project in eclipse v2.1.2. It created the
project,but the folder under that project were empty. The project
contained no files. Also it didn't report any errors.
Environment used:
- Tomcat 5.0.16
- MS SQL Server 2000
- Latest JTDS Driver for MS SQL Server (jtds-0.8-rc1.jar)
- Poseidon 2.4.1
For New CodeBlast Project Window, I gave these options
- project name: Test
- Web Server home : /opt/tomcat
- Database
- MS Sql Server
- host: 192.168.1.xxx (PC where MS Sql Server is installed)
- user:sa
- password:sa
- Load UML
- Poseiden 2.x(UML 2.0 & XML 1.2)
- path: /opt/Test.xmi
- Database
- MS Sql Server
- url - jdbc:jtds:sqlserver
- user: sa
- password: sa
Can anyone from team who has worked/working on Seacloud's CodeBlast suggest, what possibly went wrong while creating the project.
Attached are images...
Please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks & Regards