Exadel ORM Studio (Hibernate Edition) extends the power of Eclipse with
our unique visual "drag-and-connect" approach that allows you to more
efficiently incorporate database access into your applications using
Hibernate ORM mapping.
Key Features
- Exadel ORM is based on the Eclipse Development Platform
- Allows viewing and editing Hibernate mapping files using GUI forms and
tree representations and using a drag-and-connect metaphor
- Graphical representation of Hibernate mappings and class relationships
- Supports Hibernate 2.1
- Round-trip development
- Synchronization with Java code - create and delete Java properties in
mappings and Java classes at the same time
- Refactoring support - rename classes and properties without leaving
ORM editor
- Default mapping generation for existing Java classes
- DDL generation for all databases supported by Hibernate
- XML prompting (code completion) for all Hibernate files and any XML
files with an associated DTD
- Ability to print diagrams and mappings with zooming
Upcoming Features
- Full synchronization with Java code
- Dedicated ORM perspective
- Advanced support for class relationships and collections
- Database designer with synchronization between Java code, mappings,
and database
- Reverse engineering
- Hibernate project management
- Project templates
- Project validation and verification
- Support for other mapping formats