Java 1.8
Hibernate 5.2.4.Final
HibernateTools 5.2.0.CR1
MySQL-Connector 5.1.40
MySQL 5.6.25
We are doing a simple reverse engineering.
The ID column which is defined as NotNull AutoIncrement is being created at an int vs an Integer. In addition it is missing the following annotation. @GeneratedValue(strategy=IDENTITY)
I have applied my own MetaDataDialect which is just a copy of the MySQLMetaDataDialect with additional debug to determine if AutoIncrement is seen. I have applied this in the hibernate.cfg.xml file via the hibernatetool.metadatadialect property.
I see that the class does determine the column is AutoIncrement and it is able to return that information from the Dialect.
If i place the following in the table def of the reveng file then it will correctly apply the annotation and generate the primary key as an Integer. We would like to avoid this as it requires us to define this for every table.
<generator class="identity"/>
package org.hibernate.cfg.reveng.dialect;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class AdelphicMetaDataDialect extends JDBCMetaDataDialect {
* Based on info from
* Should work on pre-mysql 5 too since it uses the "old" SHOW TABLE command instead of SELECT from infotable.
public Iterator<Map<String, Object>> getSuggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName(String catalog, String schema, String table) {
String sql = null;
try {
catalog = caseForSearch( catalog );
schema = caseForSearch( schema );
table = caseForSearch( table );
log.debug("geSuggestedPrimaryKeyStrategyName(" + catalog + "." + schema + "." + table + ")");
sql = "show table status " + (catalog==null?"":" from " + catalog + " ") + (table==null?"":" like '" + table + "' ");
PreparedStatement statement = getConnection().prepareStatement( sql );
final String sc = schema;
final String cat = catalog;
return new ResultSetIterator(statement.executeQuery(), getSQLExceptionConverter()) {
Map<String, Object> element = new HashMap<String, Object>();
protected Map<String, Object> convertRow(ResultSet tableRs) throws SQLException {
String tableName = tableRs.getString("NAME");
element.put("TABLE_NAME", tableRs.getString("NAME"));
element.put("TABLE_SCHEM", sc);
element.put("TABLE_CAT", cat);
String string = tableRs.getString("AUTO_INCREMENT");
System.out.println("Adelphic MetaDataDialect Catelog [" + cat + "] Schema [" + sc + "] Table [" + tableName + "] AutoIncrement [" + string +"] ");
if(string==null) {
element.put("HIBERNATE_STRATEGY", null);
} else {
System.out.println("Adelphic MetaDataDialect Catelog [" + cat + "] Schema [" + sc + "] Table [" + tableName + "] AutoIncrement [apply] ");
element.put("HIBERNATE_STRATEGY", "identity");
return element;
protected Throwable handleSQLException(SQLException e) {
// schemaRs and catalogRs are only used for error reporting if
// we get an exception
throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert( e,
"Could not get list of suggested identity strategies from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem. ", null);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw getSQLExceptionConverter().convert(e, "Could not get list of suggested identity strategies from database. Probably a JDBC driver problem. ", sql);