I am trying to reverse engineer the dao's and classes from sql server via ant. When I run, I get no errors and no results. I have seen previous posts regarding match-catalog, but that yields nothing as well.
I know I am connecting because when I change the UID/PW... I get an error.
Here are snippets of what I am using .... in SQL Server - the table is dbo.app_user in TradingSystem db
From rev eng file <table-filter match-catalog="TradingSystem" match-schema="dbo" match-name="app_user"/>
Ant file <target name="generate" description="Build Hibernate Models"> <echo message="Starting to generate models ...."/> <taskdef name="hibernatetool" classname="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref="toolslib" /> <hibernatetool destdir="${generate.dir}"> <!-- <classpath> <path location="${build.dir}\"/> </classpath> -->
<!-- <configuration configurationfile="${config.dir}/hibernate.cfg.xml"/> --> <!-- <annotationconfiguration configurationfile="${config.dir}/hibernate.cfg.xml"/> --> <jdbcconfiguration propertyfile="${config.dir}/hibernate.properties" revengfile="${config.dir}/hibernate.reveng.xml" packagename="com.ddh.financialforum.model" />
<hbm2java ejb3="true" jdk5="true"/> <hbm2hbmxml/> <hbm2dao/> </hibernatetool>
<echo message="Completes generate models ...."/> </target>
Thanks in advance!