I am reverse engineering a FrontBase 4.x DB using the FrontBase JDBC 2.5.4 driver and the Hibernate Tools Eclipse plugin (version 3.2.4.v200910211631N-H194-GA). Eclipse 3.4.2
I am not able to get a Hibernate Configuration to connect to the FrontBase DB. When rebuilding the configuration and clicking on the "Database" icon, it operates (i.e. "pending ..." message displays) and then simply stops with no further information below the icon.
When creating a SQL connection using the SQL Explorer perspective, it succeeds. So, I know the JDBC URL I am using must be correct.
I have the dialect configured to be the FrontBaseDialect as well.
I believe the CLASSPATH is correct. The driver JAR (frontbasejdbc.jar) is in the path as well as the location of the configuration files.
I discovered a discussion thread (
https://forums.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=950454) from 2005 that addresses a similar issue. Part of that thread is quoted below:
I've dug a little further and I think I found the error: The resultset from JDBCMetaData.getTables gets processed in the JDBC reader.processTables method.
In here there is a check for TabeType to be "TABLE" or "VIEW" but it turns out the FrontBase JDBC adaptor returns "BASE TABLE" as TableType. So the tables get sorted out in the process ;-(
I believe a JIRA was generated from this issue, but I cannot find any information about whether the issue was resolved.
Can someone tell me if this issue was resolved or if there is another solution to this issue?