Hi everyone,
because I did not manage to create the .hbm.xml files by hand without getting some mapping errors, I tried using XDoclet. Everything worked fine, I downloaded the tutorial+source files from
http://downside.ch/blog/?page_id=4 , installed Ant, read the tutorial and made every step correctly. But when calling from the console "ant generate-hbm", it said "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", but no .hbm.xml files were generated from my .java classes.
I checked several times, all hibernate annotations (such as @hibernate.class) are where they should be. The strange thing is that ant creates the hbm directory (where it should then put the generated hbm files), but it simply won't create the mappings.
Then I thought maybe I forgot to write something in my java class, so I used the java class from here:
https://www.hibernate.org/72.html#A5 . Didn't work either. So there seems to be a problem somewhere in my configuration, I searched the ant build file and it seems to be ok, but who knows...
What else could be wrong? Why isn't ant generating my mapping files? Why isn't ant throwing me an exception if there really is a problem?