Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 5:30 pm Posts: 8
Hi there,
I already have fallen in love with JSR 330 (DI) and now got a crush on JSR 303. As with such fundamental things I always wonder if they could be included in the next JDK (Version 7)?
Whenever you have to use external dependencies developers (e.g. of OSS libraries) tend to not use them to be self-contained.
However I think that every recent library should benefit from things as JSR 330 or JSR 303 and just use it. I recently migrated my OSS project to JSR 330 and now I am thinking about dropping my validation implementation (at least the API) and use JSR 303.
Then integrating various OSS libraries will really be a cool thing rather than ending up with A coming with spring-xmls and commons-validations and B coming with guice binding code and custom validator and then the product that integrates A and B ends up to be complex to configure and maintain. You all know this story from different logging APIs.
If these JSR beauties would be part of the JDK7 there is simply no barrier to use them in every suitable situation.