FroMage wrote:
We have issues with InvalidConstraint though because once we validate
our persistent entities, we have a hard time mapping validation errors
to UI fields.
To be clearer: suppose we have a "name" bean property which fails
validation, we want to put an error message in the UI next to our "name"
input field. We may be able to gather the name of the bean property from
the InvalidConstraint.getPropertyPath() but it's a field which requires
parsing in order to get information.
I suspect some kind of EL engine can access the field for you. Generally speaking, some ui framework would probably like to add some sort of indirection between a property name and a field name (depending on the philosophy).
Now suppose we have decided to put bean class validation methods in the
bean itself, with several methods annotated with @AssertTrue. For those
validation errors we would like to be able to specify that the
validation is the entire bean, not just the property annotated with
@AssertTrue (which is just a placeholder for validation, not for a
Why did you do that (as opposed to a class level constraint?
Others have requested to be able to ahve multiple fields per constraint failure, this mught help in your case.
I think InvalidConstraint should include more information about the
error. Putting the validation metadata (the validation annotation which
caused the error) as well as the property type (field, method, class)
would certainly be useful. The InvalidConstraint.getPropertyPath()
should be defined in a way which does not require parsing.
How should it be? I would welcome type safety.
Keep in mind that Incalidconstraint will probably need to be serializable, this limit what you want / can add.
For instance if getPropertyPath() would return "field1.field2" we should
be able to query the validation annotations (or constraints) that failed
on "field2", and whether "field1" is a method or a field, same for
What is the use case you have in mind?
If we have that we can also differenciate validations cases such as:
class Foo{
Bar bar;
class Bar{
Where both a "NotNull" and "MyValidator" validation errors would be
reported with property path "bar" I think.
They both are differenciated as they do not come from the same object root. the uniqueness comes from the tuple propertypath / root object.
As you cna see, I am interested in the use cases that lead to your requests.