Hi Hilmer,
Thanks a lot for getting in touch and trying out the BV CR 3. On your questions:
1. There are two diferents languages : @NotBlank, @NotEmpty are in Spanish, the others in English.
Should be fixed thanks to your patch to the RI :)
2. Two annotations don’t show messages for the validation:@FutureOrPresent and @PastOrPresent
Good catch. They were added for the Final release.
3. @Email validate only the input has a “@” and some text after the @,
The spec doesn't mandate any specific check for @Email, i.e. it's dependent on the implementation. That said, I'd expect you to get a failure (with the RI) if there an "@" but nothing before that (i.e. "@example.com" should be marked as invalid). Could you try out that one?
4. @FutureOrPresent goes well if the date is next year ...
Could you ellaborate a bit on this one? What is your validated data type? And what are the exact values you are validating? In general, the ...OrPresent constraints consider the entire current "date" as valid. What that is, depends on the validated data type, i.e. for Year, the entire current year would be considered valid, for YearMonth, the entire current month would be considered valid and so on.
Thanks a lot for your feedback,