sorry, it's my bad. i forget c/p inner exception.
{"could not execute query\r\n[ SELECT top 100 this_.OID as OID0_0_, this_.Name as Name0_0_, this_.SiteName as SiteName0_0_, this_.Statue as Statue0_0_, this_.UserID as UserID0_0_ FROM MailList.dbo.dbo.Lists this_ ]\r\n[SQL: SELECT top 100 this_.OID as OID0_0_, this_.Name as Name0_0_, this_.SiteName as SiteName0_0_, this_.Statue as Statue0_0_, this_.UserID as UserID0_0_ FROM MailList.dbo.dbo.Lists this_]"}
Inner Exception
{"Could not find server 'MailList' in sysservers. Execute sp_addlinkedserver to add the server to sysservers."}
i guess, i need more read about nhibernate.