Sorry, this message should be devoted to the hibernate forum! It's a Java based problem.
I am writting a Hibernate based application for the open source project
I encountered now the strange problem (at least to me) that when I run a query
query = session
.createQuery("select m from SQLMonoLingualObject s, SQLMonoLingualObject t, SQLMultiLingualObject m where s.parentMultiLingualObject = t.parentMultiLingualObject and s.language = '"
+ sourceLanguage + "' and t.language = '" + targetLanguage + "' and m.id = s.parentMultiLingualObject");
and then retrieving all the found objects the application nearly spends all the time in the method PersistantBag.size() as shown in the picture.
The model behind the data is simple:
A MUL (MultiLingualObject) has some string attributes, a list of TmxProps (bidirectional OneToMany) and MOLs (bidirectional OneToMany) associated with it. A MOL (MonoLingualObject) has some string attributes and a list of TmxProps (bidirectional OneToMany) associated with it.
Any idea what is the reason for this strange behaviour?
Thanks for help or explanations!