Thank you for your prompt response.
>> 4) the session is disconnected;
>> 5) user sees the list of books;
Probably I'm missing some point here.
If the user, while exploring the list, asks for a lazy-loaded book property (e.g. author details), how do I reconnect() the session?
Maybe I'm wrong, in that I store lazy-loaded book instances in the Tag property of the books-list-view (because this seems to me somewhat OPF agnostic). So, when the user asks for a property, I simply have to get and show such a property, e.g.:
Book b = (Book)(ListView.SelectedItems[0].Tag);
...and I get something like "Cannot load proxy - Session is disconnected".
Maybe, I would need some sort of "autoreconnect-on-lazy-load" behaviour.
Or are you thinking to store just the book ID within the list visual control?
Thank you,