Help with tell a friend script - email sending.
'* ASP 101 Sample Code - *
'* *
'* This code is made available as a service to our *
'* visitors and is provided strictly for the *
'* purpose of illustration. *
'* *
'* *
'* *
'* Please direct all inquiries to *
<H3>Tell a Friend:</H3>
Dim objCDO ' Email object
Dim strFromName ' From persons' real name
Dim strFromEmail, strToEmail ' Email addresses
Dim strSubject, strBody ' Message
Dim strThisPage ' This page's URL
Dim strReferringPage ' The referring page's URL
Dim bValidInput ' A boolean indicating valid parameters
' Retrieve this page name and referring page name
strThisPage = Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME")
strReferringPage = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")
' Debugging lines:
'Response.Write strThisPage & "<BR>" & vbCrLf
'Response.Write strReferringPage & "<BR>" & vbCrLf
' Read in and set the initial values of our message parameters
strFromName = Trim(Request.Form("txtFromName"))
strFromEmail = Trim(Request.Form("txtFromEmail"))
strToEmail = Trim(Request.Form("txtToEmail"))
strSubject = "Check out ASP 101!"
strBody = Trim(Request.Form("txtMessage"))
' I set the body message to a message that referenced the page the
' user arrived from. This makes it great if you place a link to it
' from your different articles, but can be weird if people link in
' from other web sites.
If strBody = "" Then
If strReferringPage = "" Or InStr(1, strReferringPage, "", 1) = 0 Then
strBody = ""
strBody = strBody & "I found a site I thought you'd like to see:" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "" & vbCrLf
strBody = ""
strBody = strBody & "I found an article I thought you'd like to see:" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & " " & strReferringPage & vbCrLf
End If
End If
' Quick validation just to make sure our parameters are somewhat valid
bValidInput = True
bValidInput = bValidInput And strFromName <> ""
bValidInput = bValidInput And IsValidEmail(strFromEmail)
bValidInput = bValidInput And IsValidEmail(strToEmail)
' If valid send email and show thanks, o/w show form
If bValidInput Then
' Set up our email object and send the message
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objCDO.From = strFromName & " <" & strFromEmail & ">"
objCDO.To = strToEmail
objCDO.Subject = strSubject
objCDO.TextBody = strBody
Set objCDO = Nothing
' Show our thank you message
If "http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & strThisPage = strReferringPage Then
Response.Write "There's been an error. Please check your entries:" & "<BR>" & vbCrLf
End If
' Show our information retrieval form
ShowReferralForm strThisPage, strFromName, strFromEmail, strToEmail, strBody
End If
' End of page logic... subs and functions follow!
' Subroutines and Functions that encapsulate some functionality
' and make the above code easier to write... and read.
' A quick email syntax checker. It's not perfect,
' but it's quick and easy and will catch most of
' the bad addresses than people type in.
Function IsValidEmail(strEmail)
Dim bIsValid
bIsValid = True
If Len(strEmail) < 5 Then
bIsValid = False
If Instr(1, strEmail, " ") <> 0 Then
bIsValid = False
If InStr(1, strEmail, "@", 1) < 2 Then
bIsValid = False
If InStrRev(strEmail, ".") < InStr(1, strEmail, "@", 1) + 2 Then
bIsValid = False
End If
End If
End If
End If
IsValidEmail = bIsValid
End Function
' I made this a function just to get it out of the
' logic and make it easier to read. It just shows the
' form that asks for the input
Sub ShowReferralForm(strPageName, strFromName, strFromEmail, strToEmail, strBody)
' I use script_name so users can rename this script witout having to change the code.
<FORM ACTION="<%= strPageName %>" METHOD="post" name=frmReferral>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Your Name:</STRONG></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtFromName" VALUE="<%= strFromName %>" SIZE="30"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Your E-mail:</STRONG></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtFromEmail" VALUE="<%= strFromEmail %>" SIZE="30"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Friend's E-mail:</STRONG></TD>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtToEmail" VALUE="<%= strToEmail %>" SIZE="30"></TD>
<TD VALIGN="top" ALIGN="right"><STRONG>Message:</STRONG></TD>
<TD><TEXTAREA NAME="txtMessage" COLS="50" ROWS="5" WRAP="virtual" READONLY><%= strBody %></TEXTAREA>
<TD><INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset Form" name=rstReferral> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send E-mail" name=subReferral></TD>
'<P>The Message to be sent:</P>
'<P><B>Subject:</B> < %= strSubject % ></P>
'<P><B>Body:</B> < %= strBody % ></P>
End Sub
' This just shows our thank you message... probably didn't need to
' be a function, but since I made the form one I figured I'd do this
' for consistency.
Sub ShowThanksMsg()
<P>Your message has been sent. Thanks for helping us spread the word about ASP 101!</P>
End Sub