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 Post subject: Multiple Level Relational Mapping (nested joins)
PostPosted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:41 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 26, 2008 6:39 am
Posts: 2
Hi, I didn't find a better title for my question... maybe that's the
reason i didn't find anything on google...

Anyway, suppose i have a
Supplier, Product and a Category Table, just like in here:

http://devlicio.us/blogs/billy_mccaffer ... performi...

I want each instance of Category to have a list of it's product

IList (or something) Suppliers

Is it possible to achive this using only the mapping file (and not
writing a criteria in the getter of that property, or some other
I've read a little about the <join> element in the mapping file, but i
need something like a nested join...

By the way... Can i map joins arbitrary levels deep?

For example, Adding a "company_id" field to the "Supplier" table and
another "Company" table, and supporting the following mapping:

IList (or something) Companies

Sorry it gets pretty complicated, but I have a legacy database that
other applications are depending on and i can't change it...

Thanks in advance,

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