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 Post subject: How do I use the QueryCache correctly?
PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:34 pm 

Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:55 am
Posts: 67
I have entity that I want to get cached in the Second Level Cache as well as cache the queries used to retrieve these entities. This is what I have done

Configure the SysCacheProvider (and enable caching)
Configure the entity to use a readonly-cache.
Assign a Cache Region and make my Criteria queries cachable.

I can see the queries being cached and the individual entities are being added to the readonly cache, but when I perform the query, the cached query results are obtained, but it is always individually retrieving the entity results (not pulling from the cache).

What did I do wrong? One thing I have noticed is that some of the NHib code uses the Full type name to build the cache key, while others use the fully qualified entity name. Is this a problem?


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