I'm attempting to write a complex HQL query that includes a subquery. I am using this query to fill an object(s). Here's my query.
"select new AppliedProductFieldCropHistory(grower.Name, farm.Name, field.Name, cropzone.Name, timeframe.Name, crop.Name, subcrop.Name, fieldcrophistory.Area, (from AppliedProduct as appliedproduct join appliedproduct.Application as application join application.ApplicationFields as appFields join appFields.FieldCrop as innerfieldcrophistory where innerfieldcrophistory.Id = fieldcrophistory.Id)) from FieldCropHistory as fieldcrophistory join fieldcrophistory.CropZone as cropzone join cropzone.Field as field join field.Farm as farm join farm.GrowerTimeFrame as growertimeframe join growertimeframe.Grower as grower join growertimeframe.TimeFrame as timeframe left outer join fieldcrophistory.Crop as crop left outer join fieldcrophistory.SubCrop as subcrop where fieldcrophistory.Id in (:fchs)"
You can see that my subquery starts at '(from AppliedProduct' and ends at 'fieldcrophistory.Id))'.
When I run this query I get this error message:
"aggregate function expected before (".
I'm not really sure that this type of subquering is possible in HQL...I haven't been able to find any complex examples on line...I wanted to use CreateCriteria to join several of these tables together, but apparently nHibernate doesn't yet support mulitple CreateCriteria's chained together in code.
Thanks ahead,