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 Post subject: generated subselect for property formula
PostPosted: Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:22 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:51 pm
Posts: 22
I'm using the following formula for a property:
<property name="Analyzed" type="Boolean"
         formula="(   select
                     sample smpl,
                     prep p,
                     mount m,
                     slot_assignment sa,
                     session ses
                     smpl.id = Id and
                     smpl.id = p.sample_fk and
                     p.id = m.preps_fk and
                     m.id = sa.prep_mount_fk and
                     sa.session_fk = ses.id

The generated sql adds "[this_1_]." to the table aliases of the subselect. If I remove these, the query runs fine in sqlserver.

SELECT this.SAMPLE_FK as ID23_, this.PLANT_FK as PLAN4_218_23_, this.GRADE_FK as GRAD6_218_23_, this.HEAT_NUMBER as HEAT3_218_23_, this.CAST_LINE_FK as CAST8_218_23_, this.CAST_DATE as CAST2_218_23_, this.SAMPLE_LOCATION_FK as SAMP5_218_23_, this.GRADE_TYPE_FK as GRAD7_218_23_, [this_1_].TYPE_FK as TYPE9_166_23_, [this_1_].ORIGIN_FK as ORIG8_166_23_, [this_1_].DESCRIPTION as DESC4_166_23_, [this_1_].LOGIN_DATE as LOGI2_166_23_, [this_1_].CLIENT_SAMPLE_ID_FK as CLIE6_166_23_, [this_1_].PRIMARY_IDENTIFIER_FK as PRIM7_166_23_, [this_1_].COMMENTS as COMM3_166_23_, [this_1_].LOGGED_BY_FK as LOGG5_166_23_, (   select
                     sample [this_1_].smpl,
                     prep [this_1_].p,
                     mount [this_1_].m,
                     slot_assignment [this_1_].sa,
                     session [this_1_].ses
                     smpl.id = [this_1_].Id and
                     smpl.id = p.sample_fk and
                     p.id = m.preps_fk and
                     m.id = sa.prep_mount_fk and
                     sa.session_fk = ses.id
               ) as f0_23_, plantentit1_.ID as ID0_, plantentit1_.LOOKUP_VALUE as LOOKUP_V4_0_, plantentit1_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_0_, plantentit1_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE0_, gradeentit2_.ID as ID1_, gradeentit2_.LOOKUP_VALUE as LOOKUP_V4_1_, gradeentit2_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_1_, gradeentit2_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE1_, castlineen3_.ID as ID2_, castlineen3_.LOOKUP_VALUE as LOOKUP_V4_2_, castlineen3_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_2_, castlineen3_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE2_, sampleloca4_.ID as ID3_, sampleloca4_.LOOKUP_VALUE as LOOKUP_V4_3_, sampleloca4_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_3_, sampleloca4_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE3_, gradetypee5_.ID as ID4_, gradetypee5_.LOOKUP_VALUE as LOOKUP_V4_4_, gradetypee5_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_4_, gradetypee5_.SEQUENCE as SEQUENCE4_, sampletype6_.ID as ID5_, sampletype6_.NAME as NAME5_, sampletype6_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_5_, contracten7_.ID as ID6_, contracten7_.CLIENT_CONTRACT_NAME_FK as CLIENT_10_6_, contracten7_.COMMENTS as COMMENTS6_, contracten7_.DUE_DATE as DUE_DATE6_, contracten7_.STATUS_FK as STATUS_FK6_, contracten7_.ACCOUNT_FK as ACCOUNT_FK6_, contracten7_.SERVICE_PROVIDER_FK as SERVICE_7_6_, contracten7_.LOGGED_BY_FK as LOGGED_B6_6_, contracten7_.CLIENT_CONTRACT_ID_FK as CLIENT_C9_6_, contracten7_.JOB_TYPE_FK as JOB_TYP14_6_, contracten7_.RJLG_CONTRACT_ID_FK as RJLG_CON8_6_, contracten7_.BILL_TO_FK as BILL_TO_FK6_, contracten7_.LOGIN_DATE as LOGIN_DATE6_, contracten7_.RJLG_CONTRACT_NAME_FK as RJLG_CO11_6_, contracten7_.TURN_AROUND_TIME_FK as TURN_AR16_6_, contracten7_.TYPE_FK as TYPE_FK6_, identifica8_.ID as ID7_, identifica8_.PARENT_FK as PARENT_FK7_, identifica8_.IDENTITY_LABEL as IDENTITY2_7_, identitysc9_.ID as ID8_, identitysc9_.OWNER_FK as OWNER_FK8_, identitysc9_.NAME as NAME8_, identitysc9_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_8_, partyentit10_.ID as ID9_, case when [partyentit10__1_].ID is not null then 1 when [partyentit10__2_].ID is not null then 2 when partyentit10_.ID is not null then 0 end as clazz_9_, partyentit10_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_9_, [partyentit10__1_].TITLE as TITLE178_9_, [partyentit10__1_].SALUTATION as SALU3_178_9_, [partyentit10__1_].FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_9_, [partyentit10__1_].MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_9_, [partyentit10__1_].LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_9_, [partyentit10__2_].ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_9_, [partyentit10__2_].ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_9_, [partyentit10__2_].HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_9_, [partyentit10__2_].GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_9_, statusenti11_.ID as ID10_, statusenti11_.INACTIVE_DATE as INACTIVE3_10_, statusenti11_.TYPE_FK as TYPE_FK10_, statusenti11_.ACTIVE_DATE as ACTIVE_D2_10_, statustype12_.ID as ID11_, statustype12_.NAME as NAME11_, statustype12_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_11_, accountent13_.ID as ID12_, accountent13_.TYPE_FK as TYPE_FK12_, accountent13_.CREDIT_STATUS as CREDIT_S3_12_, accountent13_.ACCOUNT_ID as ACCOUNT_ID12_, accountent13_.DEFAULT_BILL_TO_FK as DEFAULT_4_12_, accountent13_.CLIENT_FK as CLIENT_FK12_, accounttyp14_.ID as ID13_, accounttyp14_.NAME as NAME13_, accounttyp14_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_13_, partyentit15_.ID as ID14_, case when [partyentit15__1_].ID is not null then 1 when [partyentit15__2_].ID is not null then 2 when partyentit15_.ID is not null then 0 end as clazz_14_, partyentit15_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_14_, [partyentit15__1_].TITLE as TITLE178_14_, [partyentit15__1_].SALUTATION as SALU3_178_14_, [partyentit15__1_].FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_14_, [partyentit15__1_].MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_14_, [partyentit15__1_].LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_14_, [partyentit15__2_].ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_14_, [partyentit15__2_].ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_14_, [partyentit15__2_].HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_14_, [partyentit15__2_].GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_14_, partyentit16_.ID as ID15_, case when [partyentit16__1_].ID is not null then 1 when [partyentit16__2_].ID is not null then 2 when partyentit16_.ID is not null then 0 end as clazz_15_, partyentit16_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_15_, [partyentit16__1_].TITLE as TITLE178_15_, [partyentit16__1_].SALUTATION as SALU3_178_15_, [partyentit16__1_].FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_15_, [partyentit16__1_].MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_15_, [partyentit16__1_].LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_15_, [partyentit16__2_].ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_15_, [partyentit16__2_].ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_15_, [partyentit16__2_].HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_15_, [partyentit16__2_].GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_15_, organizati17_.ID as ID16_, organizati17_.HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_16_, organizati17_.ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_16_, organizati17_.GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_16_, organizati17_.ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_16_, [organizati17__1_].EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_16_, partyentit18_.ID as ID17_, case when [partyentit18__1_].ID is not null then 1 when [partyentit18__2_].ID is not null then 2 when partyentit18_.ID is not null then 0 end as clazz_17_, partyentit18_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_17_, [partyentit18__1_].TITLE as TITLE178_17_, [partyentit18__1_].SALUTATION as SALU3_178_17_, [partyentit18__1_].FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_17_, [partyentit18__1_].MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_17_, [partyentit18__1_].LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_17_, [partyentit18__2_].ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_17_, [partyentit18__2_].ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_17_, [partyentit18__2_].HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_17_, [partyentit18__2_].GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_17_, jobtypeent19_.ID as ID18_, jobtypeent19_.NAME as NAME18_, jobtypeent19_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT4_18_, jobtypeent19_.ABBREVIATION as ABBREVIA3_18_, partyentit20_.ID as ID19_, case when [partyentit20__1_].ID is not null then 1 when [partyentit20__2_].ID is not null then 2 when partyentit20_.ID is not null then 0 end as clazz_19_, partyentit20_.EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_19_, [partyentit20__1_].TITLE as TITLE178_19_, [partyentit20__1_].SALUTATION as SALU3_178_19_, [partyentit20__1_].FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_19_, [partyentit20__1_].MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_19_, [partyentit20__1_].LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_19_, [partyentit20__2_].ORG_NAME as ORG_2_179_19_, [partyentit20__2_].ABBREVIATION as ABBR3_179_19_, [partyentit20__2_].HOMEPAGE_URL as HOME4_179_19_, [partyentit20__2_].GROUP_PREFIX as GROU5_179_19_, priorityty21_.ID as ID20_, priorityty21_.NAME as NAME20_, priorityty21_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT3_20_, contractty22_.ID as ID21_, contractty22_.DOMAIN_TYPE as DOMAIN_T5_21_, contractty22_.NAME as NAME21_, contractty22_.DESCRIPTION as DESCRIPT4_21_, contractty22_.ABBREVIATION as ABBREVIA3_21_, personenti23_.ID as ID22_, personenti23_.TITLE as TITLE178_22_, personenti23_.FIRST_NAME as FIRS4_178_22_, personenti23_.MIDDLE_NAME as MIDD5_178_22_, personenti23_.SALUTATION as SALU3_178_22_, personenti23_.LAST_NAME as LAST6_178_22_, [personenti23__1_].EMAIL_ADDRESS as EMAI2_177_22_ FROM ASCAT_SAMPLE this inner join SAMPLE [this_1_] on this.SAMPLE_FK=[this_1_].ID left outer join ASCAT_PLANT plantentit1_ on this.PLANT_FK=plantentit1_.ID left outer join ASCAT_GRADE gradeentit2_ on this.GRADE_FK=gradeentit2_.ID left outer join ASCAT_CAST_LINE castlineen3_ on this.CAST_LINE_FK=castlineen3_.ID left outer join ASCAT_SAMPLE_LOCATION sampleloca4_ on this.SAMPLE_LOCATION_FK=sampleloca4_.ID left outer join ASCAT_GRADE_TYPE gradetypee5_ on this.GRADE_TYPE_FK=gradetypee5_.ID left outer join SAMPLE_TYPE sampletype6_ on [this_1_].TYPE_FK=sampletype6_.ID left outer join CONTRACT contracten7_ on [this_1_].ORIGIN_FK=contracten7_.ID left outer join IDENTIFICATION identifica8_ on contracten7_.CLIENT_CONTRACT_NAME_FK=identifica8_.ID left outer join IDENTITY_SCHEME identitysc9_ on identifica8_.PARENT_FK=identitysc9_.ID left outer join PARTY partyentit10_ on identitysc9_.OWNER_FK=partyentit10_.ID left outer join PERSON [partyentit10__1_] on partyentit10_.ID=[partyentit10__1_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION [partyentit10__2_] on partyentit10_.ID=[partyentit10__2_].ID left outer join STATUS statusenti11_ on contracten7_.STATUS_FK=statusenti11_.ID left outer join STATUS_TYPE statustype12_ on statusenti11_.TYPE_FK=statustype12_.ID left outer join ACCOUNT accountent13_ on contracten7_.ACCOUNT_FK=accountent13_.ID left outer join ACCOUNT_TYPE accounttyp14_ on accountent13_.TYPE_FK=accounttyp14_.ID left outer join PARTY partyentit15_ on accountent13_.DEFAULT_BILL_TO_FK=partyentit15_.ID left outer join PERSON [partyentit15__1_] on partyentit15_.ID=[partyentit15__1_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION [partyentit15__2_] on partyentit15_.ID=[partyentit15__2_].ID left outer join PARTY partyentit16_ on accountent13_.CLIENT_FK=partyentit16_.ID left outer join PERSON [partyentit16__1_] on partyentit16_.ID=[partyentit16__1_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION [partyentit16__2_] on partyentit16_.ID=[partyentit16__2_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION organizati17_ on contracten7_.SERVICE_PROVIDER_FK=organizati17_.ID left outer join PARTY [organizati17__1_] on organizati17_.ID=[organizati17__1_].ID left outer join PARTY partyentit18_ on contracten7_.LOGGED_BY_FK=partyentit18_.ID left outer join PERSON [partyentit18__1_] on partyentit18_.ID=[partyentit18__1_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION [partyentit18__2_] on partyentit18_.ID=[partyentit18__2_].ID left outer join JOB_TYPE jobtypeent19_ on contracten7_.JOB_TYPE_FK=jobtypeent19_.ID left outer join PARTY partyentit20_ on contracten7_.BILL_TO_FK=partyentit20_.ID left outer join PERSON [partyentit20__1_] on partyentit20_.ID=[partyentit20__1_].ID left outer join ORGANIZATION [partyentit20__2_] on partyentit20_.ID=[partyentit20__2_].ID left outer join PRIORITY_TYPE priorityty21_ on contracten7_.TURN_AROUND_TIME_FK=priorityty21_.ID left outer join CONTRACT_TYPE contractty22_ on contracten7_.TYPE_FK=contractty22_.ID left outer join PERSON personenti23_ on [this_1_].LOGGED_BY_FK=personenti23_.ID left outer join PARTY [personenti23__1_] on personenti23_.ID=[personenti23__1_].ID WHERE 1=1

I'm using NHibernate 1.0.2 with .Net 1.1

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