Hi everyone,
I've got a problem using NHibernate under Visual Web Developer Express.
I've created a new web project, added the NHibernate references and created a persistant class named Employe in the file Employe.cs.
I've created the mapping file "Employe.hbm.xml" and placed it in the same directory than "Employe.cs".
But when i launch the project, i've got this error :
Resource not found: NHib_log.Employe.hbm.xml
(NHib_log is the project's name)
The error is linked with this code :
config = new Configuration().AddClass(typeof(Employe));
I've tried to add directly the assembly but the error is similar.
I've made researches on the web and I think the problem comes from the fact that the mapping file "Employe.hbm.xml" has to be declared as an Embedded Resource in the build action propertie. But there is no build action propertie in visual web developer.
I tried other ways but nothing is working so far.
So, I don't know what to do, knowing that I'm pretty sure all the rest of the code is ok...
If somebody knows how to deal with that, thank you for the help !