I have been using AndroMDA (see
http://www.andromda.org ) for the past few months. I like it as it does a lot more than just create hbm xml files for you. Specifically, based on a UML model it creates entity classes, dao classes, factories and service oriented service classes. It also provides support for an optional "value object" (i.e. message) layer. To simplify it even further, there is VS 2005 add-in that makes all of this very easy to use from within your VS 2005 environment. Oh, more thing, it will create the create table sql scripts for you for your entity layer.
Another tool out there that is a relative newcomer is ActiveWriter (see
http://www.altinoren.com ). What is compelling about that tool is rather than using UMl as the modelling language for your entity layer the tool provides a DSL (domain specific language) modelling environment right within VS 2005. I haven't used it yet but the author appears to be very sharp and he seems to building something that should be very usable.