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 Post subject: Dynamics connection strings: how to programmatically specify
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:00 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:13 pm
Posts: 1
I am trying to programmatically set the connection string, as I am in a multi-company, multi-database scenario. I found this article on doing so in Java, but I am not having any luck with NHibernate.


Here is my App.config file:
<add key="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver" />
<add key="hibernate.connection.isolation" value="ReadCommitted" />
<add key="hibernate.connection.provider" value="NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider" />
<add key="hibernate.dialect" value="NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect" />

Here is my sample code:
// Specify connection string.
string dsn = "connection string goes here";

// Initialize NHibernate Session Factory.
Configuration cfg = new Configuration();
cfg.SetProperty("hibernate.connection.connection_string", dsn);
ISessionFactory factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();

// Open a session.
ISession session = factory.OpenSession();

The last line throws this error: Could not find connection string setting.

If I do specify the key/value pair for the connection string in the App.config, I get this error: cannot open connection.

So my code is still trying to load the connection string from the App.config file, even though I have tried to override this value programmatically with the Configuration object.

I must be using the wrong objects, doing things in the wrong order, or I'm just plain way off track.

I have extracted the threading code and other infrastructure out of this example, and I don't believe that additional code is the problem.

Does anyone have any idea on how to approach this? Any help would be much appreciated.


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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:15 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:52 pm
Posts: 232
Location: Chicago, IL
I just tried mine using Configuration.SetProperty() and it seems to work just fine (my code does close to exactly what you are doing). It sounds like there might be something wrong with the connection string itself since you said that it doesn't work if you specify the connection string in the config file either.

BTW, there's another slightly different syntax that allows you to specify NHibernate settings in app.config. It also lets you specify what assemblies you want classes loaded from. If you do a search for <configuration> in the following document, you'll see it.

http://www.hibernate.org/hib_docs/nhibe ... ml_single/

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:33 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:52 pm
Posts: 232
Location: Chicago, IL
Interestingly, I just noticed that if I use the other method of specifying the properties, i.e. using a hibernate-configuration section instead of a nhibernate section, it doesn't appear to read my properties. It says that the dialect isn't set. I guess I'll just stick with what I've been doing.

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 8:28 am 

Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:43 am
Posts: 1
this works for me

         cfg = new Configuration();
         cfg.Properties["hibernate.connection.provider"] = "NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider";
         cfg.Properties["hibernate.dialect"] = "NHibernate.Dialect.MsSql2000Dialect";
         cfg.Properties["hibernate.connection.driver_class"] = "NHibernate.Driver.SqlClientDriver";
         cfg.Properties["hibernate.connection.connection_string"] = ConnectionString;
         //cfg.Properties["hibernate.connection.isolation"] = "ReadCommitted";

            cfg.AddAssembly( "Assembly" );
            sf = cfg.BuildSessionFactory();
         catch (Exception e)

with NO <nhibernate> section in App.Config

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 28, 2006 12:56 pm 

Joined: Fri Nov 19, 2004 5:52 pm
Posts: 232
Location: Chicago, IL
I found out what my problem was. If you use a <hibernate-configuration> section, you need to call Configuration.Configure() for it to read the settings out of App.config. If you use an <nhibernate> section, you don't.

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