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 Post subject: Dodgy old legacy SQL tables simple Advice needed (please)
PostPosted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:00 am 

Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:46 am
Posts: 5
I've been using Hibernate in Java and Dot net for a while, on and off... It's the best thing I've found in years...Anyway here's my request for some help:-

I have two tables which are


pri_key ... sequence primary key
fee_id ... an integer that is assigned to a record
acct_id .. a string that is also assigned to the record

pri_key is unique but not used by the business logic. fee_id and acct_id are only unique together! In other words there can be multiple fee_id, but not for the same acct_id

there are more fields in the feeNotes table but not worth mentioning. Another detail table exists, :-

FeeItems, consist of

pri_key .. a sequence ... primary key only used to update the record but no business purpose, and

acct_id ...string as above
rend_id ..int as above
line_no .. and int to specify a sort order for the items
...various other non interesting field...

I am unsure how to create the xml mapping document for this structure. bearing in mind that the fee_id is manually eet.. I've tried

<list name="Items" table="FeeItems" lazy="false">
<key column="acct_id" />
<index column="fee_id" type="int"/>
<one-to-many class="FeeLine" />

<class name="FeeLine" table="Feeitems" lazy="false" >

<composite-id unsaved-value="none">
<key-property name="Pk" type="int" column="pri_key"/>

<key-property name="acct_id" type="string" column="ACCT_ID"/>
<key-property name="fee_id" type="int" column="FEE_ID"/>
<key-property name="ItemLine" type="int" column="LINE_NO"/>


<property name="ItemDesc" type="string" column="ITEM_DESC"/>
: etc etc
<property name="ItemVal" type="double" column="ITEM_VAL"/>


I've also tried to use a map, but that didn't work either. Any advice on what I should be looking for use would be greatly appreciated.




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