what is the reason for the following restriction:
[Cited from NHibernate-\doc\html_single:]
"Please note that NHibernate does not support bidirectional one-to-many associations with an indexed collection (list, map, or array) as the "many" end, you have to use a set or bag mapping."
Does this restriction mean, that a column a_id of table BB can not be used
1) as the index in a <map> element in the mapping for class A (to table AA), (e.g. for a property B_by_key of type IDictionary) and also
2) column a_id be mapped to an inverse property (e.g. myA) in the mapping for class B (to table BB)?
What are the work-around solutions for this restriction?
Btw. I need an read-only property myA only?