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 Post subject: Design question...
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 3:51 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 07, 2006 4:56 am
Posts: 17
Hallo together,

I have a small design problem using nHibernate and I would like to know, how you would go about to solve this problem.

I got a user object. This user object owns a collection of address data (e.g. shipping address, billing address, etc.). This by itself is not a problem. However, I like to "version" the address data. Meaning, if something in the address data changes, I want to produce a new copy of this object and create a new record for it in the database.

I still want to be able to associate the old record with the current user, though. And if at all possible, be able to revert the changes made by pointing back at the old record.

The reason behind this is, that we can figure out when and what kind of changes have been done to this data.

Does anyone have a good idea how to implement this relatively easy with nHibernate?

Kind regards, Marco...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon May 22, 2006 6:24 am 

Joined: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:41 am
Posts: 2
Let the key of the address entity be a composite key containing the customerId and a version number (, and maybe a surrogoate key):

Address {
  //surrogoate key

  // Composite key

  // Address stuff


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