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 Post subject: caching queries
PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:59 pm 

Joined: Mon May 08, 2006 12:47 pm
Posts: 6
Hi everyone,

i have several problems with some queries, i have two tables Person (id, idCountry) where primary key is a composite id of id and idCountry, my other table is Country(idCountry, CountryName), if i search all persons who has visited USA i received a set of persons, well , now i need to get the persons in that set that visited Mexico too, then i received a small set of persons, now i need in that set the persons that also visited spain, how can i use caching feature for this?...


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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:36 pm 

Joined: Fri May 13, 2005 5:56 pm
Posts: 308
Location: Santa Barbara, California, USA
I'm assuming you are asking about caching the objects and not the query. I don't think caching the query will have any benefit here. However, for caching the objects that are retrieved by the query...

If you are doing this query within a single session, the resultset will be cached in the first-level cache by default and you don't need to do anything. If you are doing this across multiple sessions (as in a Web client), you will need to enable second-level caching appropriately.

I would recommend that you turn on DEBUG in NH logging and watch to see if your "sub" results are being retrieved from cache or from the DB. If so, enable second-level cache and then try again.


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