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 Post subject: Extra collection filtering
PostPosted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:34 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:17 pm
Posts: 1

I'm trying to use nHibernate in my new project, but i seem to be having a little issue. I've got two objects: category and Item. Both can be assigned a property "instance" specifying if it is visible from .com; .org or both. (enum)

When someone enters my website from .com I want to show categories which are assigned to .com or to .com/.org. No problem so far.

Now when I want to show information about let's say the number of items in a category i've got a problem. A category which is assigned to both instances returns an itemcollection containing all associated items. But I only want the items with the .com or both instance, so in this case i want to exclude the .org items.

Is there any simple way to solve this problem in the mapping or in a seperate class?

Sorry for the cloudy explanation.

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