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 Post subject: Would like to transparently persist owner (security) info
PostPosted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:54 pm 

Joined: Wed Mar 29, 2006 3:38 pm
Posts: 1
In my project, I have an entity - let's say PurchaseOrder. In order to support the persistence of purchase orders, I have my nhib mappings and db tables created - and everything works fine.

Now, in order to support security requirements, i need to have all purchase orders associated with a system user, which is maintained in a Users database tables and associated via a FK on the PurchaseOrders table. I don't want to create a mapping element for user on PurchaseOrder becuase User doesn't really take part in defining PurchaseOrder. However, I need the owning User specified in the database.

Is there a way to do this kind of persistence in NHibernate?

My current solution is to create an interceptor and associate it with a session (and pass the session to the interceptor) - then on the PostFlush call, get the connection from the session and execute a SQL update statement passing the ID of the user object that exists in context.

Any thoughts on the subject are greatly appreciated!



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