[b]sql 2000b]
I have an object and it has like 7 properties. I need to be able to do a KEYWORD search on all these properties..
So like if they type in
it searches for the word DISH within any of those properties....
I've tried a few things....
query.Append("Select distinct dtls.ItemId from ItemDetails as dtls
where ");
query.Append(" dtls.Name LIKE '%" + lstKeywords[0] + "%' ");
query.Append(" or dtls.Description LIKE '%" + lstKeywords[0] + "%'");
query.Append(" or dtls.Specifications LIKE '%" + lstKeywords[0] + "%'");
query.Append(" or dtls.MainFeatures LIKE '%" + lstKeywords[0] + "%'");
IQuery nQuery = NSession.CreateQuery(query.ToString());
but that's pretty slow.....
other ideas?