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 Post subject: criteria query API
PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 5:15 am 

Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2006 6:18 am
Posts: 2
I´d like to create a simple join between 2 table (classes).
I want to use the "criteria query API":


public class1{

int id1;
string name1;

public class2{

int id2;
string name2;
//the tables in the db are exactly the same

When I use native SQL, the statement looks like this:

Select class1.*, class2.* from class1,class2 where
class1.id1 = 1 and
class1.id1 = class2.id2

How could I create this statement with the QueryAPI ?
Do I have put some additional lines in the mapping file ?

I´ve tried the Example at Chapter 12.4 Associations, but i´ve got an error in the CreateCriteria("Kittens - (here class2") :
Could not found class "class2" ?

Please can someone give me a simple example and some hints, to solve my problem and to make the first steps easier ...

Thanks a lot,

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