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 Post subject: String concatenation
PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:49 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:31 am
Posts: 17
I have a simple problem, but I can't find the solution.
I have a database table Driver that contains the columns FirstName and LastName (and lost of other columns). I have a corresponding object Driver with properties FirstName and LastName. My user requirements ask me to search for a user using 'Lastname Firstname'. How can I do this? Since names can contain spaces in both Firstname and Lastname, there is no way for me to determine where the lastname ends and the firstname begins. In SQL I would use
WHERE NameEntered = Lastname || ' ' || Firstname

When I try this in NHibernate, I get the following exception: undefined alias or unknown mapping: NHibernateTest [from NHibernateTest.Driver dr where :Name = dr.LastName || ' ' || dr.FirstName].

Can anyone point me towards a solution for this?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:14 am 

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:31 am
Posts: 17
Apparently this seems to work in HQL:
" from Driver where LastName || ' ' || FirstName = 'The builder Bob' "
I think the solution didn't work the first times because a dll file containing my mappings and object model was not correctly refreshed. No mappings worked any more...

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